![Хакери излагат 8,4 милиарда пароли онлайн - сигурността ви е изложена на риск](/uploads/2021/06/hacker.jpg)
8 Jun 2021
A huge password database leaked online after a user posted 8.4 billion password entries in a popular hacking forum. The leaked data includes personal login information in Gmail, Facebook, Apple, Paypal and others.
The forum user posted a 100GB text file and called the leak "RockYou2021," a reference to a 2009 break in RockYou data that revealed 32 million user passwords in a similar way. Passwords are up to 20 characters long and can be easily searched in the file.
Marked by the cybersecurity website CyberNews (via BGR), the report claims that this is the largest database of expired passwords of all time. The downloader initially said there were 82 billion passwords in the forum, but researchers found that there were only 8,459,060,239 unique entries.
Unfortunately, many users potentially use the same password for many different platforms, which means that everything from social media accounts to cryptocurrency accounts is at risk.
RockYou2021 potentially reveals billions of data to online users, so it's best to check that your personal information and password are part of the leak. If so, you should change your passwords.
To check if your password has expired, you can check the website Have I Been Pwned? . From the site Have I Been Pwned? still upload data from 100GB text file.
Having a password manager can help strengthen your security. LastPass has been used for years thanks to its free service, but now there are other contenders that are worth checking out.
It recommender just in case change your passwords on all accounts or at least most precious accounts to you like your email and bank accounts.