29 Mar 2021
For Own / rented domain it is necessary to fill in the following data:
a) Web address of the e-shop (domain name)
b) 4.2.1. Domain owner information -
c) 4.2.2. Where the e-shop website is hosted
Choose one of the two options:
- On own infrastructure - in this case the location of equipment is indicated - settlement, street, №;
- An external hosting service is used - fills in information about the type of service according to the concluded contract, about the hosting service provider (local legal entity or natural person)
d) 4.2.3. E-shop site support
- the person performing sales through the e-shop or the maintenance is assigned to another person; In the second case, it is necessary to fill in information about the other person.
e) 4.2.4. Name of the e-shop software
f) 4.2.5. Where the e-shop database is stored
One of the following 4 options is selected:
- On own infrastructure - in this case the location of the equipment is indicated - settlement, street, №;
- On leased infrastructure
- Hosting company
- Cloud service
When selecting the second, third or fourth option, the identification data for the service provider are filled in.
Rona Soft Ltd. takes care of our customers to receive up-to-date information about the changes or new moments in the registration and operation of e-shops.